The Achievement Academy is designed to enhance the social, professional, and leadership experiences of the collegiate members in the Fraternity. The vehicle by which this is to be accomplished is through the development of vibrant mentoring and coaching opportunities that empower and enhance their agency. Our central focus is to ensure retention and graduation of our members while fostering an understanding of the steps necessary that lead to advanced degree opportunities and successful transition toward their career paths.

The Purpose
Undergraduate Brothers: To form a professional network of Alumni Brothers who provide guidance for you to achieve your career aspirations.
Undergraduate Brothers: To receive career mentoring from your Achievement Academy network.
Alumni Brothers: To become a part of a professional network of Alumni Brothers who seek to serve as a mentor and advocate for UG Brothers to successfully achieve their career aspirations.
UG and Alumni Brothers: To sustain and increase the presence and positive impact of professional African American males in our communities.

Core Values
Commitment: a lifelong willingness to follow the mission and purpose of the Fraternity
Competency: excellence demonstrated in all endeavors whether in the personal or public domains
Courage: ability to speak for those less able and take action when necessary
Integrity: to ensure that one's actions follows ethical principles
Leadership: one is responsible and capable of guiding others or taking a task to completion
Loyalty: demonstrated capacity to develop the best in others
Community: helping others without regard for self acknowledgement
Teamwork: pursuing the most effective approach to accomplishing tasks